Our Mission
Grace Bible Church is a church built on one purpose: to "reach our world for Christ." Our biggest passion is to "make Christ's last command our first concern" though evangelism, nurturing, and equipping (discipleship).
What To Expect
on a Sunday Morning
Small Groups
From 9:00-10:15am, Small Groups meet downstairs to fellowship with one another & discuss the Sunday School material. Each group is organized by "flock" which is led by the flock's elder. The youth (6th-12th) also meet during this time upstairs. Childcare is provided for parents in small groups.
We care about your kids! Before the sermon begins (approx. around 11am) kids are invited up front to pray or say the verse they're learning at home (see welcome center for schedule). Then they are dismissed for children's church downstairs. Nursery (birth-3yrs) is also provided during the Worship service.
A typical Sunday morning service lasts about 90 minutes. We start at 10:30am and worship God together through giving our tithes & offerings, prayer, and teaching the Word along with singing praise music, led under the guidance of our lead pastor.
Sermons usually last about 45-60 minutes, and are taught in an expository (chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse) way through a Bible passage. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people. Our hospitality team will be in the foyer to greet you & answer any questions you have!
More Ministries & Services
Sunday Evening
6:00-7:15pm. Typically an expository sermon is given that dives deeper into the text. Nursery for 0-4yrs old provided.
6:30-8:00pm on Wednesdays during the school year. For 1st-5th grade. Bus pickup & drop-off available in city limits.
Fusion Youth
6:30-8:00pm on Wednesdays all year long. 6th-12th grade. Related events: Life Water Camp and Jr. High All-Nighter. Learn more here.
Adult Prayer
6:30-8:00pm on Wednesdays all year long. For adults only. Groups are separated by "flock" (same as as Sunday groups) Nursery is provided.