Men & Women's Ministries

Reaching our men & women for Christ

Men's Ministry:

Bible Studies:

Wednesdays at 5:30am & 3:30pm in the church conference room

Women Ministry:

Bible Studies:

Wednesdays at 10:00am in the church conference room
(subject to change or take breaks-- please call the church office for questions)

Regular Events:

A Mother's Heart - A monthly meeting on a chosen Thursday during the academic year from 10:30am-noon. For moms to be encouraged, enjoy fellowship, and study God's Word. Nursery/childcare is provided along with a meal afterwards. Please call the church office at 509-684-5936 for the specific dates.

Ladies Night Out -  A semi-yearly outreach event for ladies to enjoy a relaxed evening of food, fellowship, testimonies. This spring it is on May 17th, 2024 at 5:30pm in the church fellowship hall (downstairs). There will be also be a clothes swap beginning at 5:00pm and going through the evening's usual festivities.